Amusement Parks & Attractions
All types of amusement park and attractions professionals, from executive level to those starting their careers, can unlock everything IAAPA has to offer and take advantage of unique networking opportunities, industry research, services, operations toolkits, and so much more.
Expand Your Professional Knowledge
Tap into IAAPA's global membership and learn from fellow professionals at amusement parks and attractions around the world.
Ask a Member
Have a question? IAAPA Amusement Parks and Attractions Committee members have a diverse background and are here to help. Their competencies include operations, attractions development, general management, marketing, strategy, and more. If you would like to speak with a member of the committee, contact Committee Chair Sarah Clarke. In your message, include your full contact information, details of the reason you are writing, and your timeframe for a response.
Safety is Our Priority
Your membership gives you exclusive access to the IAAPA Elite Insurance Program, which includes...
- Professional services to help assess your risk management programs
- Competitive and comprehensive insurance coverages
- Creative deductible/ SIR
- 24/7 access to submit claims
- Up to 10% rate credit